Eduardo Marques

Professor at the Department of Political Scienceeduardo
University of São Paulo

Researcher of the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM)
São Paulo

Eduardo Marques’ new book: Opportunities and Deprivation in the Urban South (Ashgate)

Intellectual Profile:

PhD in political science from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1998), a MSc in urban and regional planning from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1993) and an engineering degree from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1987).
Has experience in urban sociology and political science, focusing mainly on public policies, the State, social structure and poverty.
Is member of the board of directors of the Research Committee 21 – Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of International Sociological Association (ISA) (2006/1010).
Has coordinated several research projects at CEM, including 29 research projects with the public sector.
Has advised 6 PhD thesis and 17 MSc dissertations and participated as member of 46 PhD and MSc Examination boards..

Current Research Projects:

At the moment, I am developing the research project “Social networks and poverty”. The project explores two complementary research lines:

1. Social structure and segregation in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro;
2. Social networks and social structure in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador.

In the first one, developed in collaboration with Prof. Celi Scalon of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, we developed comparative analysis of social structure of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Departing from Census data, we produced two widely used social classifications – the EGP classes and the ISEI Index, and compared the cities in time and space. The results suggested remarkable similarities between the two cities, together with minor differences in segregation patterns. Latter, we explored the changes in São Paulo´s social structure during the 1990´s. Contrary to the literature, the results showed stability in social class distribution.

The second research line focuses the relationship between social structure based on attributes and social networks, with a special interest on the impacts of social networks on poverty. After having collected information on personal networks of poor and segregated individuals, the research team finished the quantitative part of the research, using network analysis tools, various statistical techniques. The results showed that the poor tend to have smaller and more local networks with a less varied sociability. In spite of this, networks of poor individuals also vary substantially. These types of networks and sociability are strongly associated with the individual’s chances of having employment, protected employment as well as being social precarious. In all cases, the better conditions were associated with less primary relational patterns, less local and based on organizational environments. Finally, income is influenced by relational patterns, network size (for those with stable income sources) and the variability of the sociability (for those resident in segregated areas), suggesting that networks indeed help to integrate segregated individuals.

Later, we returned to 20 of the interviewees to explore network change, their daily use, as well to better understand the social mechanisms that surround the networks. The results suggested that access to services by individuals depends upon a combination of trust in the relationships with the cost of the given aid, delimitating three different types of help. Finally the qualitative material suggested a set of social mechanisms responsible both for the construction of the networks (and their differentiation) and for their mediation of the accesses individuals have to markets and to social aids and helps.

In 2009 and 2010 the research was expanded to the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador de Bahia, enlarging the sample of urban and relational situations, and allowing a broader framing of the results. At the moment the results from the new research fields are being analysed.

Key Publications:

Recent articles

MARQUES, E. C. . São Paulo. In: Ray Hutchison. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. Nova Iorque: Sage Publishers, 2009, v. 1.
MARQUES, E. C. . As Redes Sociais Importam para a Pobreza Urbana?. Dados (Rio de Janeiro. Impresso), v. 52, p. 1-26, 2009.
MARQUES, E. C. . As redes importam para o acesso a bens e serviços obtidos fora de mercados?. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (Impresso), v. 24, p. 25-40, 2009.
MARQUES, E. C. ; Bichir, R. ; Castello, G. ; Moya, M. . Redes sociais, pobreza e espaço em duas metrópoles brasileiras. In: Rosana Baeninger. (Org.). População e cidades: subsídios para o planejamento e para as políticas sociais. Campinas: Editora Unicamp/Unfa/Nepo, 2010, v. 1.
MARQUES, E. C. ; Scalon, M.C. . A dinâmica dos grupos sociais em São Paulo na década de 1990. In: Celi Scalon. (Org.). Ensaios de Estratificação. Belo Horizonte: Argumentu m, 2009, v. 1, p. 23-47.
MARQUES, E. C. ; Scalon, M.C. . Comparando estruturas sociais no Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. In: Celi Scalon. (Org.). Ensaios de Estratificação. Belo Horizonte: Argumentum, 2009, v. 1, p. 48-88.
MARQUES, E. ¿Como son las redes de los individuos en situación de pobreza en el Brasil urbano?. Redes, Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales. , v.18, p.219 – 251, 2010
MARQUES, E., Bichir, R., Moya, M., Zoppi, M., Pantoja, I. Poverty and social networks. Local Environment The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. , 2009.
MARQUES, E., Scalon, C., Oliveira, M. Comparando estruturas sociais no Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Revista Dados , v.51, p.57 – 72, 2008.
MARQUES, E.; Bichir, R., Moya, M., Zoppi, M., Pantoja, I., Pavez, T. R. Personal Networks and Urban Poverty: Preliminary Findings. Brazilian Political Science Review. , v.2, p.10 – 34, 2008.
MARQUES, E. Power, social networks and local policies in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. v.3 SEd, p.15 – 41, 2008.

Recent books

MARQUES, E. Redes sociais, segregação e pobreza. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp/CEM, 2010.
MARQUES, E. (coord.). Assentamentos Precários no Brasil Urbano. Brasília : Ministério das Cidades, 2008, p.390.
HOCHMAN, G., ARRETCHE, M., MARQUES, E. (ed.). Políticas Públicas no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro : Editora Fiocruz, 2007, p.397.
MARQUES, E., TORRES, H. São Paulo: segregação, pobreza urbana e desigualdade social. São Paulo : Ed. Senac, 2005, p.329.
MARQUES, E. Redes sociais, instituições e atores políticos no governo da cidade de São Paulo. SP: Ed. Annablume, 2003, p.231.
MARQUES, E. Estado e redes sociais: permeabilidade e coesão nas políticas urbanas no Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro : Editora Revan, 2000, p.350.